Given the nature of cosmetic injectable procedures, the list of associated risks is a much lengthier one than that of a typical beauty service-based business. For this reason, formalised plans and preparations need to be created and at the ready in the event that something goes wrong. In order to sufficiently protect your patients, yourself, and to improve the overall experience for all who enter your doors, here we cover some of the risks you as a cosmetic injector should be thoroughly prepared for, including physical written protocols, policies, and documentation.
Adverse reactions
Even the most experienced cosmetic physicians experience adverse reactions, from swelling through to vascular occlusion. To mentally, physically, and legally stay on top of these should the occasion arise, you should have several things in place. First is providing instructions to your patients on what to look for and how best to contact you in an emergency, and that means 24/7. Next is having your own contact for adverse reactions at the ready - you should not have to dig through your inbox to find the appropriate phone number! Pop it into your phone, and stick it to your fridge or computer screen. And lastly, you need to ensure that you have Professional Indemnity and Medical Malpractice insurance in place to provide cover for any compensation claims or allegations of wrongdoing, including damages and legal defence costs and expenses.
Thread types
The popularity of facial threading is continuing to grow, so you need to ensure you are adequately covered. This includes having your training documentation at the ready in order to prove you have completed adequate accreditation from a reputable provider. There is also an abundance of threads on the market, including PLA’s, PCA’s, PDO’s; which are then further divided into matrix mono threads, barbed threads and screw thread types. You need to ensure your professional indemnity and public liability insurance cover the specific type/s you provide.
Follow your safety protocols to a tee
In the event you are randomly inspected and audited, you will need to provide physical documentation and demonstrations that all of your legal requirements as an injector are being fulfilled. This includes daily written temperature checks of your injectables fridge, that the contents of the fridge are not contaminated with things like food or drinking water, and that all of your patient prescriptions and logs are in order. You may also need to provide evidence that you are formally providing patients with s4 medication fact sheets, as provided by your chosen brand/s. Failure to comply with safety measures may result in you not being covered by your insurer.
Sparrow Insurance is uniquely designed to cater to cosmetic injectors, treating every client as an individual and tailoring their policies to suit their business, needs, and products. Business insurance can be complex, and often an uncomfortable experience for business owners. Sparrow prides themselves on simplifying the entire process for their clients as much as possible, using understandable language without the jargon, and offering an experience that is based on tailored solutions, regular support, advice, and education. Contact the team via [email protected] or call 07 5502 8326 to find out more.