It’s time for a united industry voice
More than half of the professional beauty industry are not covered or supported by an industry body. The other half are scattered across industry and non-industry specific associations.
The lack of unison leaves us exposed in the face of challenges with little to no voice when presenting to government. We are not being heard and it’s leaving our industry compromised and fighting many independent battles as opposed to one strong one.
If we are to be recognised for the advanced industry we are, then the time has come for us all to join forces and be heard.
Created for the industry, by the industry
The Aesthetic Beauty Industry Council (ABIC) was established to better the professional standards, working practices and unity of the salon, clinic, spa industry.
Pairing the unwavering passion of small businesses with a large voice, ABIC proudly provides our diverse industry with the trusted, authentic and united representation they deserve.
Your ABIC Board Members are personally invested in the industry. Their long-term dedication to the industry, commitment, connections and specialised skill sets made them leading choices to build an industry standard, regulation and voice to government like no other.
Elevating your business
Channelling our Board Members individual expertise is our ABIC Resource Hub. Members enjoy access to a plethora of resources to enhance their business operations, boost their professional conduct, transform their leadership confidence and foster a high-performance team.
Guided by specialist advice from experts in business development, team management, HR, law and marketing are our ABIC facilitators. Members can be connected with our facilitators to answer queries, thoughts, questions and everything in between.