After COVID, which for most of us is now like some weird dream; it’s finally time to network! In person, not TEAMS or ZOOM meetings, but meeting in real life! Who knew what was once so normal – meeting in person with like-minded people – could become so special and valued.
For many, after all that hibernation, networking events may seem at first daunting, even for some of the most extraverted people. But there’s nothing like meeting people in person. The eye-meeting, the press of hands, and even enveloping hugs from friends, networking events can be extremely rewarding, valuable and fun!
If you’re about to embark on a career path or start your own business, or even build your existing business, nothing compares to human connections when it comes to opening doors and making deals that would otherwise not be possible.
Events, networking or industry-based provide a platform to talk with potential suppliers, employers, employees while also providing the opportunity to ask the important questions, while meeting like-minded people that spark inspiration.
Whilst some networking events are more general, there are some fantastic events that focus on particular areas of interest. Networking events can focus on addressing the challenges and opportunities of the aesthetic industry we all love.
Networking events can help to combat some of the barriers faced by our industry by providing a platform for discussion, sharing ideas and understanding different perspectives.
At ABIC, we believe that networking is a crucial stepping-stone of the business world. At networking events, the aim is to meet new people, have conversations and build strong connections with others in our industry. The more people you talk to, the more likely it is that you’ll meet someone who can potentially help you and your business.
Before you attend the event, it’s useful to review the list of organisations and speakers booked to attend and identify who you may want to speak to. After you’ve completed your list of must-meets, don’t discount those less well-known and not typically associated with your sector of interest, who knows – they might be offering just what you’re looking for.
Connecting with people face to face is the most effective way of networking than through online channels. You can make much more progress in one event than you can exchanging emails, phone calls and messages over a period of weeks.
Networking events like the ones hosted by ABIC also give you a great opportunity to build upon your personal network. You never know who could potentially take your business to the next level!
If you start by working your way around the room, you’ll soon learn some invaluable tips on the best way to present yourself. Be open, understand and learn about as many different roles in our industry as you can. There’s no one so interesting as someone who is interested, so show an interest in others and the rest will fall into place.
Often, you’ll find that fellow industry folk will be impressed if you’ve attended an industry specific event, but also if you can highlight who you engaged with and what the outcome of that meeting was. It’s also a good idea to go to networking events with an open mind. You should never avoid companies because you presume that they won’t have any benefit for you or your business.
At any networking events, you will also have the opportunity to talk about possible career options, and paths and benefits that can be formed with other business owners. This may be the perfect time to really find out what you want to do with your future by speaking with industry leaders directly.