BLOG vic covid blog1055920110
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QUEENSLAND COVID PLAN - Everything we Know so far

To make things easier for our industry, our businesses, employers and employees, we have put together a summary of all the important points we currently know about our Queensland restrictions.

ABIC is here to support everyone and every choice, as a not for profit organisation we remain neutral and are here to convey government information in a way that is easy to understand and apply, so that you are able to make an informed decision about your business and workplace.

If the information below doesn't answer all of your questions, please feel free to email us on [email protected] and we will be happy to answer all of your questions.

Warm regards,

Stefanie Milla - CEO ABIC


QLD COVID UPDATE - Plan for 80% Vaccination and Beyond - What We Know

QLD businesses are guided by the Restrictions on Businesses, Activities and Undertakings Direction (No. 29) | Queensland Health public health order.

Currently the Beauty and Personal Care Services sector is operating under the following restrictions:

Occupant density applies in indoor spaces.

Occupant density means:

    1. in an indoor space, no more than 1 person per 2 square metres for areas open to or used by guests or patrons; or
      Example for (a): an area open to or used by guests or patrons of a café or restaurant is the dining area but not the kitchen.
    2. in an indoor space, up to 100 per cent of seated venue capacity provided all guests or patrons are in ticketed and allocated seating; or
    3. for Sports Stadiums:
      1. with fixed seating, up to 100 per cent of seated venue capacity provided all guests or patrons are in ticketed and allocated seating; or
      2. without fixed seating, in an indoor space, no more than 1 person per 2 square metres for areas open to or used by guests or patrons.

Note – with the exception of Sports Stadiums, a venue or event with an indoor space and outdoor space must comply with the occupant density requirements for the indoor space but does not need to limit occupant density in the outdoor space.

Operate in accordance with the COVID Safe Checklist HERE COVID Safe Checklist: Restricted Businesses (

When 80% of Queenslanders are fully vaccinated, restrictions on businesses will be further eased. 

Many businesses and venues will be able to return to operating at full capacity.

The QLD Government has announced there will be restrictions on people who are not fully vaccinated.

“When we ease border restrictions, COVID-19 will start to circulate in our community. To ensure we don’t overwhelm our hospital system when we have outbreaks, some restrictions on unvaccinated people are necessary.”

These changes will commence on 17 December 2021, or when 80% of Queenslanders aged 16 and over are fully vaccinated – whichever comes first.

Please download the Public Health and Social Measures linked to vaccination status. 

We have attached the roadmap as a PDF for easy download.

QLD COVID Safe Future Roadmap at 80%

The Beauty and Personal Care Services sector may apply to OTHER SETTINGS in the COVID Safe Future roadmap which includes essential retail and other retail.

For other settings not specifically outlined in the attached roadmap, attendance is unrestricted but other measures may apply i.e. physical distancing for both vaccinated and unvaccinated.


IMPORTANT NOTE: The QLD COVID Safe Future Roadmap at 80% fully vaccinated is an indicative guideline and we are still waiting on an official announcement by the QLD Government regarding any vaccination mandates for the Beauty and Personal Care Services sector.


Questions and answers about Queensland restrictions at 80% double-dose vaccination

What does ‘fully vaccinated’ mean?

For the purposes of Queensland’s Public Health Measures linked to vaccination status – a plan for 80% and beyond (PDF), a person is considered fully vaccinated when they have had two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine recognised by the Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA).

How will these mandates be given effect?

They will be brought into force by Chief Health Officer public health direction.

What services and activities are going to be restricted for unvaccinated people, and why?

These restrictions target non-essential leisure activities, including attending:

  • hospitality venues such as hotels, pubs, clubs, taverns, bars, restaurants or cafes
  • indoor entertainment venues such as nightclubs, live music venues, karaoke bars, concerts, theatres or cinemas
  • outdoor entertainment activities such as sporting stadiums, theme parks or tourism experience like reef excursions
  • festivals – either indoor or outdoor – such as musical festivals, folk festivals or arts festivals
  • Queensland Government owned galleries, museums or libraries.

PLEASE NOTE: the Beauty and Personal Care Services Sector is currently NOT listed 

I am the owner of a non-essential business (i.e. one to which restrictions for unvaccinated persons applies). How can I enforce these restrictions?

You need to take reasonable steps to enforce these restrictions.

This means:

  • display the vaccination rules at your business premises
  • ask for evidence of vaccination from your customers at the time of check-in
  • if a customer cannot or refuses to provide evidence, ask the person to leave the premises
  • if the person refuses to the leave the premises, call the police.

The onus will be on the person entering to show proof of their vaccination status.

We don’t expect business owners or staff to be the police. If there are customers refusing to comply, call the police.

Penalties for people refusing to comply are $1378.50 for an individual.

More information will follow as it becomes available. 

If you have a question that has not been asked or answered in this blog please email us on [email protected]

Stefanie Milla



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